5 Concepts on Fuse that Every Power Protection Beginner Should Know

Simplest Form of Fuse [MCQ]

1. A simple wire

Explanation: The simplest form of fuse is a simple wire which connects in series with the circuit and protects it.

Fuse Connects in Series/Parallel [MCQ]

1. Series

Explanation: A fuse always conects in series to circuit. Its reason is that on fault it should make an open circuit.
In case of parallel it would create a short (partial or metallic) and can damage the circuit.

Melting Point of Material Used in Construction of Fuse [MCQ]

2. Low Melting Point

Explanation: Mostly a low metling point is desired so that it should melt and not allow excessive current to flow through it.

A Fuse is always Small in Size [True/False]

No, we have very large sized Fuses that are also connected with power systems. An example of 115 kV Fuse is shown below.


Question: Give an Application of Fuse from your Daily Life

An application of Fuse is in the Laptop charger which uses a fuse in the plug for proectection against a current higher than rated current.
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