Basic Electronics: 5 Basic Concepts about Diode

A diode is most commonly used Electronic Component which is used in almost 99% of devices and components. Here are the basic concepts about general purpose diode.

Number of terminals on Diode [MCQ]

2. Two
A general purpose diode has two terminals (like normal resistor also has two).

Composition of Diode [MCQ]

3. Semi-Conductor
A diode is made of semiconductor materials. Most commonly used materials are Silicon and Germanium.

What is Diode Biasing [Question]

Biasing (Bias) is the application of DC Voltage to Diode. Its purpose is to control the direction of current flow through he circuit.

Diode Basic Sheet [MCQ]

b) is the right answer.
Remember that anode is positive and Cathode is negative.

How to Find Positive/Negative Terminal of Practical Diode [Question]

The positive/negative terminal of the pracial diode can be easily found by finding the negative symbol. A circular white/silver coloured ring represents the cathode of the diode.

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