Network Theory: 4 Ohm Resistor with 12 Ohm Capacitor and 50 V Source

Statement: A 4 Ohm Resistor connects in series with a Capacitive whose impedance is given by 12 ohms. The power Source is a 50 VAC. Find the Power Dissipated by the circuit.

Correct answer: 62.5 W.
Solution Steps:
  1. Find overall impedance which is 4 - 12j
  2. Now apply the formula of Power which is P = V2/R
  3. After conversions and division, we achieve the final answer: 62.5 + 187.5j
  4. 62.5 provides the power dissipated in the circuit.
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  1. sir how -12j comes ?plz guide me?

    1. With capacitor we always use the negative symbol and a j which represents reactance. For AC Components (Capacitor and Inductor) we always have to include this symbol 'j'.
      If it was an inductor with 12 we should have used +12j instead. Hope you got it.

    2. yeah sir got it but why we used negative sign for capacitor n +ive for inductor

  2. I got the 62.5 value but the imaginary part is pretty confusing... Supposed to be + since its a capacitor...

    1. Capacitor always uses negative sign dear, now when it is in denominator it used the negative sign, but when it goes in numerator it changes its sign.
